In accordance with the legal obligation arising from the provisions of the Act of May 13, 2016 on preventing threats related to sexual crimes and protecting minors, and ensuring adequate protection for minors during their stay in hotel facilities, Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o., based in Krakow, has introduced the following “Standards for the Protection of Minors,” hereinafter referred to as the Standards.
The Standards for the Protection of Minors at Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. are implemented based on the principles outlined below:

  • Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. operates with respect for children’s rights, as they are particularly vulnerable to harm.
  • Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. acknowledges its role in conducting socially responsible business and promoting desired social attitudes. Specifically, Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. emphasizes the legal and social obligation to report any suspected crime against children to law enforcement and commits to training its staff in this regard.

Whenever the Standards mention:

  • Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. – refers to the company Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o., located in Krakow, ul. Sukiennicza 8/U7, 31-069 Kraków, entered into the register of entrepreneurs by the District Court for Krakow-Śródmieście in Krakow, XI Commercial Department of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000910546, NIP: 6762599978
  • Facility – refers to any hotel facility of Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o.
  • Entrepreneur – refers to the person managing the Hotel on behalf of Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o.
  • Employee – refers to a person who is part of the hotel staff, regardless of the legal basis for their work at the hotel.
  • Minor – refers to a person who has not yet turned 18 years old.
  • Child’s Guardian – refers to the statutory representative of the child: parent or guardian, foster parent, temporary guardian.
  • Other Adult – refers to any person above the age of 18 who is not the child’s parent or legal guardian.
  • Coordinator – refers to the employee in the human resources department.
  • Child Abuse – refers to behavior that may constitute a criminal act against a child by any person, including a member of the facility’s staff, or any threat to the child’s well-being, including neglect; any intentional or unintentional action/inaction by an individual, institution, or society as a whole, and any result of such actions or inaction that violates the rights, freedoms, and personal goods of children and/or disrupts their optimal development.

At every stage of the procedures resulting from the Standards, it is important to remember that they may cause inconvenience to hotel guests. Therefore, staff should show understanding for guests’ reactions and explain the necessity, both factual and legal, of conducting these procedures within the hotel. However, the guest’s reaction should not be a reason to deviate from the procedures.
All procedures provided by the Standards should be applied with the principle of proportionality in relation to the situation and in a rational manner.
Hotel staff should consider the emotional and intellectual development level of minors in their interactions, and in cases where the minor is disabled or has special educational needs, such circumstances should also be taken into account.


Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. is committed to educating its employees on circumstances indicating that a child staying at the facility may be abused and on how to quickly and appropriately respond to such situations. The facility can carry out this education through various forms of training, such as external and internal training, e-learning, educational materials developed by the hotel, and educational materials available for free from other organizations.
Each employee, before being admitted to work, will be familiarized with the Standards for the Protection of Minors, which is confirmed by their signed statement and commitment to follow the principles and procedures outlined in this document.
Persons working with children must show, in their employment history, that they have never harmed a child.
Any person hired or assigned to work with children must be checked in the Register of Sexual Offenders, including employees under 18 years old.
Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. is committed to educating its employees on circumstances indicating that a child staying at the facility may be abused and on how to quickly and appropriately respond to such situations. The facility can carry out this education through various forms of training, such as external and internal training, e-learning, educational materials developed by the hotel, and educational materials available for free from other organizations.
Each employee, before being admitted to work, will be familiarized with the Standards for the Protection of Minors, which is confirmed by their signed statement and commitment to follow the principles and procedures outlined in this document.
Employees working with children are subject to periodic training, which is documented by the employer.
Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. is committed to considering the situation of children with disabilities and children with special educational needs, adapting the guidelines from Appendix 14 to the specific nature and scope of the facility’s operations.
In the case of using external entities’ services, Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. includes a clause in the contract with the entity that allows Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. to enforce the appropriate standard regarding the safety of children by the external entity’s employees. This clause will allow Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. to control compliance with the obligation, under penalty of immediate contract termination and contractual penalties or other sanctions related to non-compliance with the terms of the agreement in this regard.
All employees of Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o., including other adults who have contact with children on the premises, must follow the Safe Employee-Child Relations Guidelines, if such contact is with the facility’s consent.
The fundamental principle of all actions taken by employees in contact with children at Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. is treating the child with respect, considering their dignity and needs.
It is unacceptable for employees and other adults to use violence in any form against a child, or to exceed interactions justified by the employee’s duties at the Hotel.


If a situation arises where an employee has reasonable suspicion that a child staying at the facility is or has been abused, they must immediately notify their supervisor/decision-maker, who will notify the police. If there is an immediate threat to the child’s safety, the employee who has reasonable suspicion of child abuse must immediately notify the police by calling 112 and describing the circumstances of the incident.
Reasonable suspicion of child abuse arises, in particular, when the hotel employee observes circumstances that may indicate child abuse, when the child bears signs that may indicate abuse, or when the child themselves informs about the abuse.
Efforts should be made to prevent or even prevent the child and the suspected abuser from leaving the facility.
In cases specified in the Code of Criminal Procedure, a citizen’s arrest of the suspected person can be made. In such situations, the arrested person remains under the supervision of security staff or other hotel employees until the police arrive, who may perform such actions without endangering their health or life.
In any case, the child’s safety should be ensured. The child should, if possible, remain under the supervision of an employee until the police arrive.
After notifying the police, hotel staff should ensure that the minor and the adult who may have committed the crime do not leave the hotel before the police arrive, and that potential evidence of the crime is not destroyed (e.g., securing video surveillance recordings).
In urgent situations, any hotel employee is authorized and obliged to notify the police.


The Hotel Director appoints and defines the scope of duties and tasks regarding employee preparation for implementing the Standards for the Protection of Minors, the principles for preparing employees for their application, and how these actions will be documented in Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. Their contact details should be placed in an easily accessible place for staff and hotel guests, including children.
The Coordinator mentioned in the previous section conducts monitoring and evaluation of the Standards for the Protection of Minors once every two years.
Monitoring and evaluation include verifying the implementation of the Standards for the Protection of Minors, responding to signals of violations of principles and procedures, and suggesting changes to the document, especially in terms of adapting them to current needs and compliance with applicable regulations.


The Standards for the Protection of Minors come into force on August 1, 2024.
The Standards for the Protection of Minors are made available to all employees by placing them on the website of Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. and in the Human Resources Department office.
The Standards for the Protection of Minors are available to adult guests of Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. through placement on the website and in the Security Department.
The Standards for the Protection of Minors are available in a simplified version for children staying at Angel Stradom Hotel Sp. z o.o. in a place that is accessible and visible to them.